Wednesday, November 9, 2011

20% off Gift Cards at Running Warehouse

Even if they don't have much in the way of minimal footwear, they have decent gear. Grab some gift cards and then order yourself a present at 20% off.

Running Warehouse:

'via Blog this'

Sunday, November 6, 2011

A new reason to go minimal! Never before published

OK...  This is a little bit of an unconventional benefit but I discovered it today.

It's fall here in New England and I was out blowing leaves in my yard wearing my Vivobarefoot EVO II's.

I also have a dog.  Jasper leaves presents that are well camouflaged in the leaf litter so you inevitably step in poo while doing the fall cleanup.

The EVO's I was wearing have great ground feel and very minor treads.  This ground feels allows proprioception which is what allows you to react to irregularities like stones and loose ground while running.

Dog poo feels just like uneven ground.  I found myself instinctively unweighting the unfortunate foot when I would step in it.  When you combine this with almost flat EVO tread, I was almost poo invincible!  Most of the poo just stayed on the ground with an EVO tread print on it rather than attach to my shoe.

This is definitely another case where minimal shoes beat out barefoot by a mile!


Saturday, November 5, 2011

Fun Run with the Robillards and Merrell

Saturday, October 29 was a terrific day. Well, the morning was at least since New England got hit with a freak storm that afternoon and as of 4Nov, there are still people without power.

Anyway, Merrell and City Sports of Wellesley, MA were kind enough to host a run and clinic with Jason Robillard. Some of you may have heard of him before or read his posts on Barefoot Running University. Heck, most of you are probably already facebook friends with him since he is basically friends with the entire world. Jason and his wife, Shelly, are traveling the country to teach good running form. They are doing it with their 3 kids (ages 2, 5, and 7) and their neice in a travel trailer. You can follow their shenanigans at

The morning started out in the parking lot where about 30 or so people had gathered. Merrell had demo pairs of their barefoot shoes for folks to try but I was already sporting my well worn pair of Trail Gloves. It was pretty darn cold and most of us were itching to get moving. I got to chat with Jason a bit before the event and he's a terrific guy. I'm a complete geek when it comes to running shoes, gear, gatgets, form, whatever and Jason is no different (geek is a compliment in this case, of course.) I know I could have talked about this stuff forever.
Geeking out about shoes and running.  Photo courtesy of

Jason led the group in a Bareform Technique clinic. Bareform is pretty simple and should be very helpful to anyone who is interested in learning a more natural way to run. I won't try to regurgitate the lesson but I will link here if you are interested in learning more.

After the lesson, everyone was encouraged to put their new found knowledge to the test with a 5k run through the parklands of Wellesley. I got to run for a bit with Shelly and we chatted about kids (I have 2 of similar ages), running, ultras, and traveling around the country in a trailer. It was really great to shoot the breeze while running with her. The social side of running is the best part. Shelly had just run Bimbler's Bluff 50k and said it was a great time. I am definitely going to set my sights on that one for next year.  With all of the great company, the 5K went by too fast.

Most people were wearing shoes for the run since it was chilly. My friends Matt and Ivan are hardcore and went naked footed. Represent!

After the run, we went into the store for coffee and more socializing. Merrell raffled of 5 pairs of their shoes which was awesome. I didn't win. :-( Jason gave everyone a copy of his Barefoot Running Book and autographed them all. I highly recommend this book if you are interested at all in the whole barefoot/minimal thing. Worth the read. I'll even let you borrow my copy as long as you promise to give it back.
Hanging with Jason after the run

Somewhat fuzzy pic of Shelly and I
All in all it was a terrific day and I'm really glad I went. I'm really looking forward to hooking up with Jason and Shelly again. Hopefully, I can make it to Pineland or NYCBarefootRun next year.
