Monday, May 23, 2011

Ultramarathon Aspirations

OK, So I've recently completed my first 1/2 marathon and it was a great feeling to have run for 2 hrs nonstop (and finish barefoot!) I really don't, however, have much desire to run a traditional 26.2mile road marathon for some reason.

I want to run that distance plus some and preferably in the woods. I am really intrigued by the world of ultramarathons. I'm not talking about nutty 100 mile races (yet.) I'm talking about 50K or 50mile races.

With 2 little kids, the training time seems more intimidating than the actual race mileage. That's why a timed ultra seems like a blast.

Timed Ultras are just that. You run around in a circle for 6hrs or 12hrs or 24 or whatever and try to log as many miles as possible.

Sounds fun, right? Running in circles for 6hrs? I think it sounds like a party.

Mind the Ducks ( was recently held in upstate NY. You basically run around a 1/2mile course for 12 hours. The beauty of it is that every other of the 100 or so people are there for the same reason and for 12hrs, you get to meet, talk, and party with like minded crazy people.

There is a 6hr Ultra in Rhode Island in my old stomping grounds of Buttonwoods in November that is really, really resonating with me. You run loops of a 2.7mile paved park path at Warwick City Park.

It seems like this would be the perfect "get your feet wet" Ultra. No pressure, just run until you don't feel like it, then walk, then run some more. You can set up a tent in the park and have your own aid station once every 3miles. Right in my wheel house.

The only hitch is that it is on Sunday November 13th which is the eve of a very important day for Pam and me.

Pam, Wanna run an Ultramarathon for our Anniversary?


If you too are intrigued, check out the race reports from Mind the Ducks.
Note: Barefoot Running University is a great resource if you want to transition out of your heavily shod way of life.

Barefoot Running University » Mind the Ducks 2011: A Recap
Barefoot Angie Bee: Mind the Ducks 12 hour recap
terrible twos and running shoes: Mind The Ducks 2011 RD race report Shelley is the main organizer for MTD.

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